Web Promotion TipsThe first step towards Web Promotion is building a web site that is Search Engine friendly and then submitting it to the major search engines and directories on the Internet. Hallmarks of a good web site are a professional design and great content. A professional designed web site stands out from the rest and relevant and detailed content make your online presence strong. You should remember that visitors come to your site for information... only when they find it satisfactory would they buy your product or service.
The second step would be to exchange links with other web sites. This helps in increasing your web sites Page Rank also called PR. Page Rank is used by Google, the most successful search engine, to rank web sites. It's obvious that sites will good content and a clean nice design will automatically get linked from other sites and you would not have to spend hours trying to convince people to exchange links with your site. Both link exchanging and content writing are time-consuming processes, however, I always recommend the latter to my clients. The reason is simple - when you have good content on your web site, people would like linking to your web site and most will do it without you even knowing about it.