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System Administration Tips for LinuxProcedure for checking System, after login Serviceschkconfig is a tool for maintaining the /etc/rc[0-6].d directory hierarchy by relieving System Administrators of the task of directly manipulating the numerous symbolic links in those directories. lists all of the services which chkconfig knows about... ...]# chkconfig --list turn services OFF or ON, on specified System Run-Levels... ...]# chkconfig --level 0123456 service off/on Killing processeslist running processes with their pids, hierarchical structure... ...]# ps -auxf kill process... ...]# kill pid kill process, if previous kill is unsuccessful... ...]# kill -9 pid Changing HostnameEdit /etc/sysconfig/network... Edit HOSTNAME="www.domain.com" Edit DOMAINNAME="domain.com" Restart ...]# hostname www.domain.com Prompt will now display as [[email protected] dir]# Update local host aliasesEdit /etc/hosts... Format is IP For localhost: Add an extra IP address ...]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts]# cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:1 Edit ifcfg-eth0:1... Edit DEVICE="eth0:1" Edit IPADDR="put.extra.ip.here" Bind IP address with... ...]# ifup eth0:1 Put NIC into Promiscuous ModePromiscuous mode allows your NIC to read ALL the data that is sent over the wire, not just your IP. ...]# ifconfig eth0 promisc Remove promiscuous mode with... ...]# ifconfig eth0 -promisc View Process info and Network connections ...]# ps -auxf ...]# netstat -ape System infoDisplay Bootup messages: ...]# dmesg Display System information: ...]# uname -a Linux www.domain.com 2.4.20-19.7 #1 Tue Jul 15 13:44:14 EDT 2003 i686 unknown File OwnershipChange file owner and group: ...]# chown owner:group file Change dir/file owner and group recursively: ...]# chown -R owner:group dir Recursive: every file and sub-directory under the specified directory Red Hat Network up2date, command lineRegister with the Red Hat Network... ...]# rhn_register --nox Change up2date options... ...]# up2date --configure configuration file: /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date Packages/headers located under /var/spool/up2date Update the update program... ...]# up2date --nox up2date Show available relevant updated packages... ...]# up2date --nox -l Update system with all relevant packages... ...]# up2date --nox -u Install or Update package... ...]#up2date --nox package_name |