Benefits of JSPJavaServer Pages (JSP) technology enables Web developers and designers to rapidly develop and easily maintain, information-rich, dynamic Web pages that leverage existing business systems. As part of the Java technology family, JSP technology enables rapid development of Web-based applications that are platform independent. JSP technology separates the user interface from content generation, enabling designers to change the overall page layout without altering the underlying dynamic content.
If you are a Web page developer or designer who is familiar with HTML, you can:
- Use JSP technology without having to learn the Java language: You can use JSP technology without learning how to write Java scriplets. Although scriptlets are no longer required to generate dynamic content, they are still supported to provide backward compatibility.
- Extend the JSP language: Java tag library developers and designers can extend the JSP language with "simple tag handlers," which utilize a new, much simpler and cleaner, tag extension API. This spurs the growing number of pluggable, reusable tag libraries available, which in turn reduces the amount of code needed to write powerful Web applications.
- Easily write and maintain pages: The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) expression language is now integrated into JSP technology and has been upgraded to support functions. The expression language can now be used instead of scriptlet expressions.