Audio FreelancersThere are freelancers on to make the very best possible recording of your music. You can hire freelancers for Vocal and acoustic instrument performances.
Our Audio Services freelancers have state-of-the-art digital equipment to record your performance at better than CD quality. And they have the technical skills to get the best out of the equipment.
Unless you are a very experienced recording artist, just the knowledge that a microphone is turned on can really inhibit your performance. Our freelancers sensitive to these pressures. Their friendly, non-imposing approach will help put you at your ease and help you get the best out of your recording opportunity.
Our Audio freelancers can prepare a CD master, organise artwork, attend to copyright and performing rights matters, and arrange production of your finished CD. Our experience with computers and the internet can get you up and running fast with wave files, MP3s, Windows Media and streaming technologies. |